Our choral and handbell choir, led by Carol Dort, always adds inspiring and uplifting music to our worship service. We especially look forward to their musical contributions during this joyous season that is the 85th Anniversary of our Church!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful and faithful usher teams, led by dedicated and committed team captains. Their commitment and enthusiasm to the task of ushering shines each week as they welcome and supply you with the Sunday Bulletin. You can be certain that you could call upon any one of them, should the need arise during the service.
Thank you to everyone who assists Pastor Wanda in the service by reading/leading prayers and scriptures. Your dedication and service to the Lord and this wonderful congregation is appreciated. Please use the sign-up sheet in the Colonial Room or call the Church office on: (516) 354-1848, if you would like to participate in the worship service.
Our Thursdays Ladies – our tireless Presbyterian women's group - contribute so much. Likewise for Our Christian Education Commission, Elders and Deacons and all who generously contribute baked goods and beverages for the fellowship hour. Please use the sign-up-sheet in the Colonial Room, if you wish to help with our fellowship hour.
The list is endless and we apologize if we have forgotten any of our dedicated congregants. We express our gratitude as well for our wonderful Church employees!