The Reverend Wanda Lawry Hughes (“Pastor Wanda”, or even “P.W.”, as she is sometimes called) began serving as our minister on December 1, 2002.  She is always there with a smile or a hug whenever you need it, and always willing to talk. You can contact her through the church office.


We are a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a church in the Reformed Tradition.


We profess a strong love of God and the commitment to do God’s will. We believe we can succeed, even thrive, through the dedication of our time, talent and resources. We pray that the size of our commitment might equal the magnitude of our blessing and the scope of our potential. We acknowledge that we should be careful stewards of God’s world, serving God and extending Christ’s earthly ministry through our care, concern and love for others. We seek God’s grace and guidance, that we might grow and prosper in God’s service. In this way, we can accomplish all good things in God’s name, improving our discipleship while increasing Christ’s disciples.